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parking info

drop-off/ pick up


Head North up State Highway One towards Amberley. Waipara Winehouse is only 7 minutes drive beyond Amberley, before the turn off to Hanmer Springs. 
A traffic management system will be in place on SH1 for this event.

Please have a good look at the diagram (which is also linked to this email) and either print it or save it as a screenshot so that you know where to go on the day so we can get everyone in as quickly and safely as possible.


Approaching the Winehouse, the Northbound lanes will split into 3. 

  • The LEFT lane is for traffic going straight through to the North.

  • The MIDDLE lane is for MAIN EVENT CARPARKS (not drop off or mobility parking)

  • The LANE TO THE RIGHT is for DROP OFF, site traffic, VIP parking and MOBILITY parking.  

It’s helpful to pay close attention at this point as it will be an unfamiliar layout, and please also help to move things quickly by not leaving big distances between yourself and the car in front, so venue staff can keep things moving and wait times minimal.

It’s just a matter of turning left onto the property approx 300m after the bridge over the Waipara river (just south of where SH7 and SH1 meet). Look for the left turn signpost just beyond the traffic signals.


  • Please follow staff instructions they can get everyone lined up for an easy exit at the end. 

  • There will be no charge for car parking. 

  • Once you have parked, please take care around moving cars, and make your way to the central walkway past the vines towards the Winehouse, and into the arena. 

  • For a Mobility Parking spot, please contact us in advance through the general enquiries portal on the home page.



  • As the main event car park entrance is one way traffic only (IN at the beginning and OUT at the end!), it’s not a suitable or safe place to drop passengers or pick them up again! 

  • There is a  turning circle/drop-off and pick-up zone directly in front of the building. This is only accessible via Kathryn Lane, as shown with blue arrows on the diagram above. 


Please take extra care and follow staff directions. Your patience will be much appreciated!

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